greuben β™₯ πŸ’•

greuben β™₯ πŸ’•

11 Mar

Although we made Artifact Classic and Artifact Foundry free alongside our announcements about those games last week and put them both on the same ... Read more

04 Mar

Artifact Classic and Artifact Foundry are two versions of the digital card game originally named Artifact, developed through a collaboration between Valve and renowned designer Richard Garfield. Artifact was designed as a deeply strategic card game, but without the limits of a conventional physical board. After a highly polarizing and ultimately disappointing initial release in November, 2018, a small team at Valve reworked the game into what would become Artifact Foundry, and the original game was renamed to Artifact Classic. Artifact Foundry was designed to address as many complaints about the original game as possible, while maintaining its strategic depth.

Economy Artifact Classic and Artifact Foundry are both free, and every player has access to every card in both games. Neither game features in-app purchases.

When Artifact Classic was released, cards were sold in card packs and could be exchanged between players on the Steam marketplace. When the game was mad... Read more
Artifact, the Dota 2 card game, shipped in November of 2018. Despite good initial sales, our player count fell off pretty dramatically. This warranted a shift from the service/update development model we'd planned to a full reevaluation of the game's mechanics and economy.

It's now been about a year and a half since the current Artifact team began work on a reboot in ... Read more
This patch is a part of a larger update to both Artifact Classic and Artifact Foundry (formerly Artifact Beta 2.0). See the full announcement here and an explanation of Artifact Classic vs Artifact Foundry ... Read more